Well, a question I was asking me as well several times and again and again... But that's exactly the challange! whenever you are at a point you do not know how to preceed, it is the moment you start to learn new things, even it is something compleately unknown. The only thing is not to be afraid of that new things! This attitude already helpt me a lot during my project in the past but as well in all the other thing in life I did and I will do!
So that's enought motivation to proceed and track my goal I want to reach.
Next to the personal skills I reach with the motivation above I also have a gaol I want to reach physically once. Manly I want to have a sim look as much professional as possible and especially as well working as proffessional as possible to train all the most important procedures and maneuvers within a A320 cockpit. For sure all the points listed under Limitations are allways present to keep me being realistic!